Signal Metal Industries, Inc. believes the safety and well-being of our employees, customers, and vendors is integral to the success of our company. This fundamental premise holds true not only while we are working but also throughout our personal lives. That's why we refer to our safety culture as Safety 24/7 - it never takes a break or gets time off. Safety 24/7 is not just a priority but rather a CORE VALUE that never gets bumped downward on the priority list. Our safety goals and objectives are set by ownership and then executed by our safety team’s lead by our full-time onsite Safety Manager.
Every Signal employee is a member of a safety team which meets at least once each week to review and discuss relevant safety topics and issues specific to our facility. We offer various training opportunities and incentives as part of our program that carry strict accountability and measurement standards which all team members must adhere to. Every employee from the owner to the line worker is empowered to call a "time out" if they believe they have been asked to perform a task they believe to be unsafe.
"It's not worth doing if it can’t be done 100% safely"